Tag: Captain Sarine

Blog Prompt #16 – Fan Fiction Learning Curves

http://boldlyreading.com/2014/02/12/blog-prompt-16-what-have-you-learned-from-writing-fan-fiction/  What have you learned from writing fanfiction? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] It’s exactly as the title says – what has writing fan fiction taught you? And what do you think it can teach others? — blog prompt courtesy of jespah [/pullquote] Here follows some of what I believe I’ve learned, or more accurately continue …

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Crossing Over … Free-For-All Blog Prompt #3

TemplarSora provided the prompt this time round and gave a very interesting post on it here – Time And Relative Diversity in Infinite Combinations   The blog prompt was: Blog Prompt #3 – Crossovers My blog idea is to try and maybe see just how far out there some of us have gone, are considering …

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Location, Location, Location – Part One

Now, first off, this isn’t really meant to be any kind of writerly how-to-do. Actually, first off, this isn’t some sort of sci-fi fanfic retail enterprise – although imagine that – one slightly battered Miranda class, formerly of the Border Patrol Service, previous owner a rather eccentric captain with a taste for tradition wood and …

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