Tag: writing

Running the Gauntlet – Story Review and Discussion 2

Review and Discussion Continuing my story review and discussion of the opening Osprey story, ‘Running the Gauntlet’ as part of my From the Watchtower series of blogs we turn to take a closer look at chapters, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 2 The Hunt sees Mercy take to the bridge and the op begin in earnest. With the …

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It’s All About the Characters

In part a response to my own homework assignment and a response to TToT14 Blog prompt #4 where we’re tasked to talk about our favourite characters. And why yes, I’m stealing from kes7 dealing with these two in the one. Of characters My character design process is rather organic in the beginning and then latterly. …

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Twelve Trials of Triskellion 2014 – Blog Like a Boss prompt #2

Prompt 2 AKA Which story made you tear your hair out? What is the hardest story you ever had to write? What was the easiest? And why? Hmmm, another prompt to ponder on. Back to your pipe Data – I somehow keep expecting bubbles to come out of it in the gif. Keep watching, maybe …

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30 Day Letter Challenge

So I stumbled upon one of these challenge list things. I saw Steff do one of these challenges before and was indeed intrigued by it and wanted to copy or model something after it. I’m not a big share my own life on the internet thing and hate to be too meta about my universe …

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Blog Prompt #16 – Fan Fiction Learning Curves

http://boldlyreading.com/2014/02/12/blog-prompt-16-what-have-you-learned-from-writing-fan-fiction/  What have you learned from writing fanfiction? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] It’s exactly as the title says – what has writing fan fiction taught you? And what do you think it can teach others? — blog prompt courtesy of jespah [/pullquote] Here follows some of what I believe I’ve learned, or more accurately continue …

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Character Delving

Checking out jespah’s great blog, ‘Barking up the Muse Tree’, I opted to steal one of her ideas – I mean I was inspired – to try to write a character review for one of my characters. Tis an interesting thought process and writing exercise and all that like! But then I get stuck. Troubled …

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A Theme of Hope

A Theme of Hope Music is a naturally creative and imaginative outlet in the composing, creation and yes in the listening of it. As writers we often comment on the music choices that currently inspire our writing. For so many of us, music can play an important part of the writing process. Often times it …

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Where there is Hope …

Star Station: Hope – ‘Watchtower’ Shared Federation borders: Tzenkethi, Cardassian, Breen, Klingon Border Patrol Squadron: 6th Cutter Squadron, Commanding officer: Commodore Tekesha Tanner 2376 So here it is, Star Station Hope otherwise known as Watchtower. Whilst is was not the deciding factor, I have to say I loved the brief appearance of this station in …

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Writing Hope – Origins

Writing Hope – Origins In the beginning … I guess I had best start with the beginning. It has something of a circuitous route before I’ve gotten to the point of writing Star Station Hope: Watchtower. Yet not so much in many ways. For a while now I have had the inkling to write a …

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Writing Hope: Coming Soon

Taking a leaf from MDg’s latest great post, I thought I might try and offer a commentary of sorts on my writing. Instead of looking back, I’m going to write about a story series I am currently developing and writing – which may spoil a little of some of what is to come but not so …

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