Tag: Rhapsody Rabbit Gavilán

From the Watchtower: Introducing the Rhapsody Rabbit Gavilán

From the Watchtower we introduce the ship of the Rhapsody Rabbit Gavilán – stories about a civilian cargo freighter crew captained by the adventurous Tabatha Katherine Chase. Ship and crew only want to make a profit but fates lands them amid the political intrigues and criminal plots within the Watchtowerverse. The Adventures of the Rhapsody …

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TToT14 Wk 8: A Fabulous Fanart Entry

Twelve Trials of Triskellion 2014 – Blog Like a Boss prompt #2

Prompt 2 AKA Which story made you tear your hair out? What is the hardest story you ever had to write? What was the easiest? And why? Hmmm, another prompt to ponder on. Back to your pipe Data – I somehow keep expecting bubbles to come out of it in the gif. Keep watching, maybe …

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From the Watchtower

Hello and Welcome to ‘From the Watchtower’ . This is (will be!) a series of blogs focusing on aspects of the Watchtower Universe. Wherein meta background details expanding on the world and stories of the Watchtower Universe will be explored and explained some. These files will cover aspects such as ship designs and the make …

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Day #6 Write a Letter

A 30 Day Write a Letter Challenge Response Day 6 – To a Stranger Ok this one stalled me, big time. Then it occurs to me in the mode of writing letters that one of the more common letter types is the letter of complaint to a company. Well given some of the scrapes she …

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Day #4 Write a Letter Challenge

A 30 Day Write a Letter Challenge Response Day 4 – Your Sibling or Closest Relative Again, it’s all relative in this letter writing challenge. A sibling letter did conjure the possibility of a Tom/William Riker letter but I don’t tend to write and play with canon characters so there goes that idea. However, I …

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Crossing Over … Free-For-All Blog Prompt #3

TemplarSora provided the prompt this time round and gave a very interesting post on it here – Time And Relative Diversity in Infinite Combinations   The blog prompt was: Blog Prompt #3 – Crossovers My blog idea is to try and maybe see just how far out there some of us have gone, are considering …

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Writing Hope – Hoping to Write.

Hey all, Yes, it has been a long, long while. I’ve been purposefully absent it has to be said. Down on the low or whatever it is the cool kids might say. While I have lots of ideas and even lots written for various little projects I have for the longest time just not had …

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Writing Hope – Origins

Writing Hope – Origins In the beginning … I guess I had best start with the beginning. It has something of a circuitous route before I’ve gotten to the point of writing Star Station Hope: Watchtower. Yet not so much in many ways. For a while now I have had the inkling to write a …

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