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- Of Collaborations and Round Robins — 14 comments
- Character Delving — 14 comments
- A thousand words – give or take one or two — 13 comments
- From the Watchtower — 12 comments
- Day #2 Write a Letter Challenge — 11 comments
Feb 20
A 30 Day Write a Letter Challenge Response Day 3 – Your Parents Time to write letter number three. This time it is to a character’s parents. The family left behind is actually often a gap we find in Trek writing – be it fan fiction, Treklit or canon – unless of course you consider …
Feb 18
A 30 Day Write a Letter Challenge Response Day 2 – Your Crush Challenge number two. Write a letter to a crush. Admittedly, I have to scratch my head for this one. I’m not sure which of my characters have a crush on any other particular character. Certainly nothing that readily constitutes a ‘crush’ albeit …
Feb 17
A 30 Day Write a Letter Challenge Response Day 1 – Your Best Friend Challenge number one. For this letter, I’ve decided to explore the captain of the Aegolius Harrier, Cyste Ryaenn and Ameren her closest friend, perhaps only true friend at the outset of their chronicled stories to date. The two endured a Cardassian …
Feb 17
So I stumbled upon one of these challenge list things. I saw Steff do one of these challenges before and was indeed intrigued by it and wanted to copy or model something after it. I’m not a big share my own life on the internet thing and hate to be too meta about my universe …
Feb 16 What have you learned from writing fanfiction? [pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] It’s exactly as the title says – what has writing fan fiction taught you? And what do you think it can teach others? — blog prompt courtesy of jespah [/pullquote] Here follows some of what I believe I’ve learned, or more accurately continue …
Jan 21
The Boldly Reading Book Club #5 choice was Funngunner’s Their Finest Hour: Fire and Rain, Part One and Part Two. Here’s some of my response to Their Finest Hour: Fire and Rain prefaced firstly by an opinion on the ENT storyline and Xindi story arc. ENTERPRISE and the Xindi War Arc Given that Funn was …
Jan 14
Blog Prompt #15 Dear (not a ship but still a) log, See, nothing personal little log, I have issues with calling this a personal log. Did you see what I did there loggy? Huh? Huh? I mean it is not as if to say I am sitting here telling you the story of my great …
Jan 14
Blog Prompt #15 Damned stupid, idiotic, infernal, damnable, stupid. Like SERIOUSLY! What is the purpose of anti-dust measures if they break down. And get this. Get THIS. The why of why it broke down? Yes, you got it, you guessed it – DUST. I-I-I-I-I mean – just – just – there are no words. None. …
Jan 14
Blog Prompt #15: Blog as a Character Dear Ship’s Log: Ok, so that’s lame. But… well (for the sake of the record dear ship’s log, I just shrugged my shoulders) anyway, I just don’t know how this is supposed to go. Cos honestly, I don’t know what I am at with this whole keep a …
Aug 11
A response to Blog Prompt #6 – Writing Complex Evil Characters Villains. Hmmm. I’m a bit like TemplarSora in that my current stories do not have actual villains per say. That is to say, they don’t have revealed villains or developed villains. That said, it’s an interesting topic and one I do plan on returning …
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